For those who don't know romanian, the title can be translated like this: "time, where do you go? to which new places, in such a hurry, you go?"
1954. He is born.
1960. She is born.
1984. They meet & get married. 1985. They have a kid. Me... 1992-1993. First grade. 1996-1997. Fifth grade. 2000. Highschool. 2004. Faculty. 2008. Master. Couldn't have done them all without them. Couldn't have existed without them. Thank you, both!
2004. Stranger in Bucharest. Time passed. 2005. Still stranger. 2006... I met you. Not so lonely anymore. Time went by. 2007, 2008, 2009. Now. 2010. We're so close, yet so far away. 2011. When did 5 years passed? When did almost 7 years passed?
2004. Disliking the person who now became my best friend. 2005. Still disliking her. 2006. Brought us in the same group. Time passed. 2008. Same room. 2010. My best friend :).
2005. I find a person to adopt me and be my grandmother. (2000. My last grandmother dies.) I like her very much. I see her almost every day. She was another stranger in my life. But now... a dear friend to me.
2011. To come soon. AMR 14 days.
And time... how can you turn into grown-up a little kid?
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