Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy New Year!

My dears,
Another year has passed, both with good and not so good things.
Now it's the moment to put aside all the bad things that happened during the year and make a new to do list, begining with the things missed in 2011 and continuing with everything else.
May you all have a shortlist or no list at the end of 2012 with unfullfilled things from the year which knocks our doors.
Thank you also for reading me or sometimes inspiring me :).

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Searching happiness...

and tranquility.

Many times I arrive @ home sad. Tired. Upset. Many times I forget to thank people for being there and supporting me in my worse moments. Much more times, I forget to thank that superior force that keeps us all in one place, Earth. And... in the same amount of cases, I forget that he sent me here with a purpose. I don't know which this is, but I shouldn't continue wandering about it, because I'm sure I will not find the answer.

Might be that his sole purpose was to be here... for those people who love me. For those few people who learn something from me. For doing those few invoices and contracts that sometimes make me crazy. Or just for listening the crazy things some people want to share and don't have with whom.

Or maybe... :) for driving others crazy. This way they should learn to control their emotions, be more attentive or responsible. For ordering Avon products to those who need them. For making a big mess on my desk... For creating the feeling that my parents succeeded in raising a kid, even though, that kid didn't inherit their qualities.

To that someone, "from upstairs" I'd like to thank. And to that someone, "from upstairs" I'd like to ask for help now, again, when I'm feeling lost... somewhere in the middle of everything. When I'm feeling tired. Stressed. Ugly. Used. Upset. Unhappy. Unfulfilled.

Put a good thought in my head. Put light into my thoughts. Put good people around me to help me and support me. Understand me and create in me the need of being there for them. For they need me and love me.

Thank you!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Prince Charming...

...does exist!

"Prince Charming" is a stock character who appears in a number of fairy tales. He is the prince who comes to rescue of the damsel in distress, and stereotypically, must engage in a quest to liberate her from an evil spell. This classification suits most heroes of a number of traditional folk tales, including Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, even if in the original story they were given another name, or no name at all.These characters are often handsome and romantic, a foil to the heroine, and are seldom deeply characterized, or even distinguishable from other such men who marry the heroine.In many variants, they can be viewed more as rewards for the heroine rather than characters. "Prince Charming" is also used as a term to refer to the idealized man some people dream of as a future spouse.

For me, Prince Charming, is the man that made me smile last night. Who saved me from the arms of sadness and gave me power to continue dreaming.

I should have known it since long time ago, but I didn't... my bad. But as someone said... better late than never.

Thank you my Prince Charming for being here with me, for me. For always backing me up and making me feel good, beautiful, important and safe.
And also, please, forgive me for the moments when because of being mad on me I don't believe you when you say that I am able of doing everything that I plan and wish for.

PS: Prince Charming, we're already 6!


Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Things to do today: wake up, survive, go back to bed

This is how my days follow one after another. Lately there are many changes in my life... Professional life implies new tasks, new project which, I never imagined to do.

Can you believe that I know the structure of the National Stadium without ever being there? I learned what "tribune" means, I discovered that the "lawns" are behind the goalposts and that the first ring is the one situated close to the stadium.

I never imagined that UEFA Champions League would be something that I would say daily, more than once, and that I would get to wait the day of the match just to see people that I helped with buying the tickets. Nevertheless, to know the names of the three teams that will get to play on National Arena, to chat with the fans on social networks and to introduce myself in the spirit of football was a great opportunity and I'm glad I had the chance to do it.

Packing the tickets = team-building? Could you imagine that? To be under pressure, having a great amount of people over your shoulders? Depending of how you do your work... they will get to like or dislike going to the football match? They became my fans... not just the fans of the football team.

Have a great evening and may the best (meaning ours) win!

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Pauza de masa

<< ...devine un lux pentru multi angajati. Stresul provocat de sarcinile de serviciu si de posibilitatea pierderii locului de munca ii face pe multi angajati sa renunte la pauza de masa. Un sondaj online realizat de, arata ca pana la unul din cinci angajati renunta la pauza de masa la serviciu. Rezultatele studiului, realizat la nivel international, arata ca doar 46% dintre femei si 33% dintre barbati reusesc sa isi ia zilnic pauza de masa la serviciu. "Presiunea asupra angajatilor creste pe fondul reducerilor de personal, iar pauzele de masa devin de domeniul trecutului", a explicat Tony Wilmot, fondatorul, citat de>>

Daca totusi esti norocos si ai pauza de masa, mancarea ti-o mananci dintr-o caserola de plastic, cu tacamuri de plastic, folosind in acelasi ton chiar si pahare de plastic pentru o apa care vine imbuteliata in sticle de plastic.


Wednesday, 11 May 2011


...  there was a post last year (1st of April, 2010) where I was describing a wonderful event in my life. The day I caught a thief stealing my wallet. And than, I had the courage to ask it back.

Now, one year, one month and 10 days later... it almost happened again. Almost same place. A guy, strange guy... tried to steal again from my backpack. Same backpack. This time it didn't succeed. I was faster than him.

The post can be found here: Homemade by Georgiana Onea. Unfortunately it's just in Romanian.

Fortunately, my properties remained untouched and I was happy for preventing the theft.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Another side of my proffesional life

Know the feeling? When you think about something... and later that thing comes over you? Dislike the building - you get to work in it... one job after another? Dislike an office... you get to work in it? It happened before... it's happening again now.

2008. We have to move. Where, where, where? After days of search... you find the right building. You go to see the building. Dislike an office. You don't receive it. You take it as a blessing. But later on, the luck turns against you and ... moving takes place again. Same building - that office!

At a certain point in time... you receive the place you wished for. Your desk, your place, your storage space. And then... bum! You have to move again. You do... Again, same building. It's hard. But you don't have a choice. Create - adjust the belongings to what you need. Finally - obtain what you find necessary. And when you say "thank you Jesus"... guess what? Yes, you move again :)). The good thing is that my moving was always in the same building. It's been two years and a half since I move from office to office. But I always go back to the wooden stairs which gave me the peace I searched into that building. The one place I will always miss, no matter where my office would be.

Thank you for those stairs! But can I ask one more favor? Put me back to the office downstairs... Pleeease... Pretty please?

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Not my best moment

It all started on Wednesday. You always imagine how it will be to do a thing... A thing that you would normally refuse to do, but by doing it you realize at a certain point in time that it became a nice memory.

Something like sleeping in the train station. You are not enthusiastic, but when you talk with your friends you find out that you are not the only one who had the bad luck to sleep there. Well... for me it sort of started like this. I slept in the train station :). Just for 3 hours. On my way to the office I went to the post office to pick up some money. And there, on a shouted tone, the lady told me that the money were returned. I kindly tried to ask how come... 'cause I always picked them up in that day because one of her colleagues told me to. She shouted again. This is not possible. It never happened.

I left. Took the bus. The wrong bus :(. Then got down, entered the subway, went at work. I had a horrifying day. Everybody wanted something from me. Left my work place enthusiastic, because I was going to my Zumba session. This was supposed to be fun. And to make me feel better.

Well... from imagine to practice... there's a long way.

So, I went to class. Tried to make a new subscription. But I couldn't. Because... you can use a voucher once in a lifetime, not every time that they offer it... one way or another. Even though, later on, you find out that the purpose of the offer was to keep you as a customer. Anyways I had fun at Zumba. Tried one more time to convince them that it would be a good thing to allow me to make the subscription based on that offer, because later I would make another subscription with a full price. So... the bad day continues.

After leaving the course... on my way home, a nice - apparently nice - dog passed near me. I looked at him, but didn't pay that much attention. Until he made me show him my appreciation. By desiring him all the health in the world. He tried to bite me. He didn't succeed alone, so he called some friends also. From the scared person that I was... I started to scream as much as I could for help. That (and God) were my salvation. I got rid of them. And, thank God, the only thing that the dog chewed were my pants.

Subway again. On my way home. In front of my building, you wonder... what else can happen? Well! Another pair of dogs came near me. Probably they smelt the dog who tried to bite me. I was "saved" by it's owner. But that couldn't save me of it's stupidity. Anyway... at home, at last.

Friday? The only good luck that I had on Friday is that I got home one hour earlier. Well... basically 2, but let's keep that as a secret ;).

Or maybe I had a little more luck than that. It was week-end. So I could stay at home and relax.

So... to end, stop thinking what can be worse... there are a sum of things!

Friday, 4 March 2011

Unwritten words

I promised that I will write a word per day in German Language. A language that I would like to know better.

There were these days:

17 feb.: plata = payment = Zahlung

18 feb.: saptamana = week = Woche

19 feb.: hotarare = decision = Entscheidung

20 feb.: concluzie = conclusion = Abschluss

21 feb.: dezamagire = disappointment = Enttauschung

22 feb.: prieteni = friends = Freunde

23 feb.: comanda = order = Befehl

24 feb.: dragoste = love = Liebe

25 feb.: familie = family = Familie

26 feb.: a darui = to gift = Zu geben

27 feb.: a calatori = to travel = Reisen

28 feb.: a gresi = to mistake = Irren

01 mar.: primavara = spring = Frühling

02 mar.: concediu = leave = Urlaub

03 mar.: sport = sport = Sport

04 mar.: concurs = contest = Wettbewerb

As a "reward" I should write for as many days before. So, let's start:

05 mar.: sambata = Saturday = Samstag

06 mar.: duminica = Sunday = Sonntag

07 mar.:a pregati = to prepare = vorbereiten

08 mar.: mama = mother = Mutter

09 mar.: sarbatoare = holiday = Urlaub

10 mar.: zi de nastere = anniversary = Geburtstag

11 mar.: a dans = to dance = Tanzen

12 mar.: felicitari = congratulations = Glückwünsche

13 mar.: superstitie = superstition = Aberglaube

14 mar.: ghinion = bad luck = Pech

15 mar.: cadou = present = Geschenk

16 mar.: a rezuma = to resume = Zusammenfassen

17 mar.: a colabora = to collaborate = Zusammenarbeiten

18 mar.: a muta = to move = Bewegen

19 mar.: a impacheta = to wrap = Zu wickeln

20 mar.: a reconstrui = to rebuild = Wieder aufbauen

21 mar.: a aranja = to arrange = Liegt

Sunday, 20 February 2011

The other side of my proffesional life

I started working since 2000... or somewhere close. I worked during the summer in a factory that was producing clothes for export. Then "the brands" were unknown to me. I didn't imagine that one day I'll be able to buy clothes from "x" or "y". Time passed and now... they have stores open in Romania, selling their articles at enormous prices, after producing so cheap in my hometown.

My "career" in that field ended in 2005. I was already in Bucharest for a year. But I never thought of finding a job here. In 2006 the situation was different. And I thought ... why not? So, few days before going home someone called me asking if I can go to an interview. I said yes. Went there. Found out what I have to do. How much they pay. How much I have to work. What I have to do. Said yes without thinking too much. It was my dream to work and to be able to remain in Bucharest. Initially it was a job for the summer. But it changed in a part time during faculty. And 2 years passed like this.

In 2008 I was finishing the last year of faculty. I thought that it would be a great time to change my job and try to do something new. So... searching started again. Interviews and license degree. These were my main occupations. 'till... I found them. Or they found me :). One of my actual bosses called me asking if I'm going to come or not to the interview. I was like... what? What interview? No one told me! Ooo... I apologize. Ok.
Later I was called by the recruitment company. Asked to go to the interview. Went there. They interviewed me. And proposed to go with them in a team-building the second day. It seemed crazy, but I went. It was nice. So... I started working with them on the 1st of July 2008. Met wonderful people. Who learned me to be good. To become better. To enlarge my perspectives. To see new aspects in life. First I was an Administrative Assistant. After 3 months I received new tasks. 6 months later I became the Manager's Assistant. 1 year and 3 months later... the story ended.

In 2010... With a university degree and a master degree... I started to search a job. And I found one. As an Office Manager. This is what I do now. The first job without an interview. Based on a recommendation. Met great people. Done many new things. Had to deal new situations. Organize things. The biggest challenge? To be multitasking on multiple projects. Give to everyone the needed information.
Had lots of good times with these people. Team-building. Launch party. Christmas party. Launch party. Team-building. In just 6 months. Let's see what the future is going to offer from now on.

Special thanks to: people I met during the years of my professional life for sharing their time with me.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Monday, 14 February 2011

One new word

I propose to you, my readers, to learn one word every day. One word... in other language. For example, I want to learn German.

So... today's word is:

Sentiment = Feeling = Gefühl

We will see what inspires me tomorrow.

Alles gute!

Friday, 11 February 2011

Am un prieten

Care face poze faine :)

Foarte dragut, foarte destept si foarte bun prieten. Mi-a scapat ceva?

Aaa... e luat :). Asa ca, fetelor, nici prin gand sa nu va treaca!

Wednesday, 9 February 2011


Ma indrept, mai repede decat as vrea, spre 26 de ani.

Visez, mai putin decat ar trebui pentru ca am avut parte de multe experiente neplacute de-a lungul timpului.

Gandesc, mai mult decat e cazul pentru ca imi place sa imi complic viata.

(ma) astept ca oamenii sa reactioneze.

Cred, oamenii, atunci cand imi spun diverse lucruri, pentru ca sunt naiva.

Ma supar, cand aflu ca oamenii in care am incredere m-au mintit.

Ascult pe cine are nevoie sa fie ascultat.

Nu-mi plac oamenii care vad doar defectele celorlalti.

Nu cred ca voi reusi sa fiu fericita fara sa ma simt vinovata de asta.

Nu simt ca sunt completa.

Imi doresc sa fiu unica.

De cele mai multe ori prima impresie pe care mi-o formez despre cineva este reala.

Consider ca prietenii trebuie sa iti fie alaturi atunci cand iti e greu, dar inteleg limitele.