This is how my days follow one after another. Lately there are many changes in my life... Professional life implies new tasks, new project which, I never imagined to do.
Can you believe that I know the structure of the National Stadium without ever being there? I learned what "tribune" means, I discovered that the "lawns" are behind the goalposts and that the first ring is the one situated close to the stadium.
I never imagined that UEFA Champions League would be something that I would say daily, more than once, and that I would get to wait the day of the match just to see people that I helped with buying the tickets. Nevertheless, to know the names of the three teams that will get to play on National Arena, to chat with the fans on social networks and to introduce myself in the spirit of football was a great opportunity and I'm glad I had the chance to do it.
Packing the tickets = team-building? Could you imagine that? To be under pressure, having a great amount of people over your shoulders? Depending of how you do your work... they will get to like or dislike going to the football match? They became my fans... not just the fans of the football team.
Have a great evening and may the best (meaning ours) win!